"I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering."
-Steven Wright

About Me

Fielding, Utah, United States
I am a senior who has Home-schooled for going on 5 years! I live in rural Utah and help to run the Shamrock Farm Nigerian Dwarf Goat herd. I like to play the piano, participate in Irish dance, and have fun with my family.
"What we love determines what we seek, what we seek determines what we think and do, what we think and do determines what we become."
-Dieter F. Utchdorf

Goat Pictures

 The pictures on this page will appear from the oldest at the top to the most recent at the bottom.

Thor's first day home!!

First home, the dog house with a heating lamp!
Thor's first snow day!!

Feeding time. . . in the rabbit shed!

Oops, there's a fight over who stands where.
I didn't know that I was a jungle gym!
What a cutie!


There are some new members in the herd. . .

Meet. . .

 Anastasia and Dixie. . . The most recent bottle babies on the place

Paris, an adult transplant. . . she isn't the most friendly, but that might be on account of the fact that I am the "evil" one who trimmed her hooves.

This would be her favorite way of sleeping. . . In the feed bucket, she almost looks dead. . .

Apparently sleeping in feeders is a trend. . . Thor appreciates the fact that the slats are wide enough for him to fit through!

This is Sea Star, she is officially from the first batch of babies born at our house.  Paris was her mom and Thor was the dad.

This is Stormy, Sea Star's little sister.  I affectionately called her "peanut".

Thor, again, he decided he likes having his picture taken!


"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle"

-Albert Einstein