"I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering."
-Steven Wright

About Me

Fielding, Utah, United States
I am a senior who has Home-schooled for going on 5 years! I live in rural Utah and help to run the Shamrock Farm Nigerian Dwarf Goat herd. I like to play the piano, participate in Irish dance, and have fun with my family.
"What we love determines what we seek, what we seek determines what we think and do, what we think and do determines what we become."
-Dieter F. Utchdorf

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Where did January go?

I know that it came, and I know that we did various things this month, but where did it go?!?!?!?  I have decided that since it isn't really winter but it really isn't spring that it really wasn't January...Cody (my older brother) dubbed this new season "Sprinter".  Well bum lamb season has definitely started and we now have instead of just two bummers, we now have three more.  School is flowing right along and I can't believe how far I am in some of my subjects...and how neglected others are (history anyone?). This is a picture of Hugh (6) with the latest Lego creation...

Geese in January?!?

Here's pictures of two very odd occurrences...

Caleb in a picture... notice how he avoids eye-contact...

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"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle"

-Albert Einstein