"I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering."
-Steven Wright

About Me

Fielding, Utah, United States
I am a senior who has Home-schooled for going on 5 years! I live in rural Utah and help to run the Shamrock Farm Nigerian Dwarf Goat herd. I like to play the piano, participate in Irish dance, and have fun with my family.
"What we love determines what we seek, what we seek determines what we think and do, what we think and do determines what we become."
-Dieter F. Utchdorf

Friday, July 13, 2012

Observations. . .

I have noticed something, I tend to like taking pictures of flowers and other nature related things.  I seem to have a hard time taking pictures of people, I think that this is because I don't really understand how to pose them and make it so that they don't look and feel akward. . . 
 This one was taken at Tess and Eldon Hess' house.  Eldon's old Ford is in the background, I have another version that is focused on the Ford instead of the flowers.

 Randomly taking pictures of anything that catches my eye is a very interesting skill of mine!

This is another random thing that caught my eye, little purple and yellow flowers growing in the cat tails. . . 
This is the same flower, just a closer and shadier look at them. . .

P.S.  My family and I took Cody to the MTC (Missionary Training Center) last Wednesday!!!  He was so excited to go. . .

Such a cute grown up goat!
Okay. . . so most people wouldn't agree with the cute part when they get in the pen with him.  I can't believe that he is almost two now!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Last Night's Fanily Home Evening. . .

Last night we went and helped Eldon Hess worm his sheep for Family Home Evening!  Mother was brilliant and brought the camera and handed it to me for documentation.  These pictures are the result:
 This is my younger brother, Liam, Eldon had him hold the shears and Mother told him not to impale himself.
 Cody did most of the catching and holding of the ewes.
 Hugh had fun wandering around Eldon's house and playing with his dog.
 Apparently the lamb didn't want to move. . .
 Mr. Hess. . . This is the only good picture of him that I got!

 Still waiting for Eldon to find a ear tagger that works...
 Wondering why it is punching through the tag. . .
 The lamb is wondering how many more piercings we are going to give it.
 Liam being all studly.
 Eldon's hat, it has seen some better days!
 Such a cute dog!!!
 The last lamb.

After we went to Eldon's house, we went to Aunt Becki's house to retrieve our tiller and see how their garden was getting along.  The garden looked wonderful. . .  Eliza thought it tasted wonderful too!

 This picture is definitely going in the fair!!!

  What a cutie!! She was having so much fun eating that plant and then we just had to take it away from her!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Grasshoppers. . .

I absolutely love this picture!  I took the original in my garden, there were grasshoppers all over my giant (and they really were giant!) sunflowers.  This one was the only one that held still long enough to take a picture of.  I love the fact that you can see through his back leg, it really accentuated the stripes.  The other thing about this picture that I am absolutely in LOVE with is the lighting, I fixed the lighting in light room (sorry for every other time I called it light box instead. . .) and made it look like a sunrise in a somewhat shady forest.
The final reason that I love this picture is the fact that it looks like Spring!!!  The weather here in Utah has been really great lately, I wore shorts today and it felt great which is an abnormality in March in Northern Utah!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lightroom. . .

Well. . . I am still in love with Light-room!  These are just a few of the pictures that I have retouched using Light-room. 

The randomness that results from combining me, my camera, and a flowerbed. . .

 The picture below is of my older brother and I at Uncle Jake's wedding.  Originally in full color, I reduced it to a black and white state and "painted" the red back in. . .
 These were my Christmas present that came in mid January. . . It was a Christmas that simply kept on giving!
Yep, still definitely in love with the software. . . I could seriously spend hours just playing with one picture. . . Not that I have that kind of time!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Spot the Fox

We are going to play a game called "Spot the Fox."  See if you can find the fox in  the following pictures, I wish that I could say you get a prize if you find it, but you don't. 

I know that the pictures look almost exactly the same, but the fox is positioned differently in the second one.  Trust me, he is!!!

On a side note, these pictures were taken after I saw the fox wander across the road in broad daylight. Another abnormality is that when I walked up to the fence to take the picture (without having to zoom over a large space that is) it didn't move and I was only a few yards away. . . quite weird!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pretty pictures. . .

I have five pictures that I was considering putting in my Project Life album (Mother gave it to me for Christmas).  But there is only room left in the lay out of this page for one picture.  This leaves me with the dilemma of deciding which one I like the best.  So be a nice person and help me out with your opinion!

 Three of the following pictures are actually retouched versions of this picture.

 Black and White. . .

Sorta faded. . .

Sepia. . . 

a very random sunrise across the marsh.

I would really appreciate your opinion!!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Costume

I dance with the Va-Dels dance group in Tremonton UT.  My class was given the assingment of creating a "hip-hop" outfit with a pair of black and silver high tops and a lavendar tank top.  To keep with the theme of black-silver-purple my mother started cutting apart a black sweatshirt from Walmart.  Then she quit and I finished.  This is how it turned out:
 I actually just  barely made the flower tonight and I eally like how it turned out.  The back is a piece of the sweatshirt that I cut off, the wire infront of that is actually used to hang picture frames.  The grey/silver flower in the center is actually a flower that my mother had that she didn't mind me using.
Of course I had to add giltter to it, so I used the kind that comes in an aresol can from Walmart.
 The picture below is the story of what I used to make the flower.  I absolutely love hot glue guns, they are a girl's best friend.  I also love glitter that comes in spray cans (I didn't know that it came in aresol form!!!). 
 My mother just walked down here and said "So all we need to do is make you mad, and you'll get all creative?!?!?"  My answer, "Yes, it seems to work doesn't it?"

Have a nice-hopefully-not-freezing-day tomorrow!!!
"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle"

-Albert Einstein